House System

The House system at New Beginning International School, (NBIS-Aurangabad) aims to break the large community of students into smaller more personal units thereby building a sense of unity and competition amongst the house members. The school is divided into subunits called HOUSES and each student is allocated to one house in the moment of the enrollment. Houses may compete with one another at sports and maybe in other ways, thus providing a focus for group loyalty. Each House has a captain, who is elected from among the students, to develop leadership skills and responsibility. Competitions are held in various areas such as poetry recitation, slogan writing, poster making, debating, etc. Trophies are awarded to the best House on the Annual Function Day. At NBIS Aurangabad, we follow a house system based on Greek gods with specific mottos. We have four houses representing NBIS School students as- Red House: (Mercury), Green House: (Zeus), Blue House:(Poseidon), Yellow House: (Appolo)